The Hot Toddy Is The New Nightcap

I have a new nightly ritual and it is not what I ever expected to add into my routine. It’s The Hot Toddy and I can’t think of a more relaxing bit of self-care this time of year.

Whether it is an old wives tale or the truth, a Hot Toddy is said to alleviate a cold because it is a decongestant. In “clinical” terms, the alcohol in whiskey dilates the blood vessels, making it easier for your body to deal with the infection. Spirits combined with hot water (or herbal tea) honey and lemon is a beverage that helps clear up your cold symptoms and makes you feel toasty and cozy. According to folklore, by the time you finish the drink you will be breathing better, and the alcohol will start to make you drowsy so you can rest easy.

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Make Chili To Take The Chill Off The New Year

When I was thinking of a recipe to start the new year off, I thought for a second about the basic trend of trying to restrict your diet after indulging, but I don’t know anyone who has had success with that plan and kept a happy disposition. My approach is to make delicious soups and stews and one-bowl meals. And that means that this time of year, I start making chili again. I love all kinds of chili with all kinds of ingredients but my favorite chili is a Texas-style Bowl of Red and that means no beans!

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This Year’s Best Source Of Kitchen Toys Is Only A Click Away

Cheryl Day’s Treasury of Southern Baking is a very special cookbook. The nearly 400 page hardback book published by Artisan is simply but beautifully styled by Haylie Waring and photographed by southern photographer, and baker in her own right, Angie Mosier. The book is encyclopedic in its information, but warm, friendly and accessible—just as you would imagine Cheryl Day to be.

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How To Make A Salad You Actually Want To Eat

As Halloween and the holidays approach, I tell myself that if I eat salads, that will balance out all the treats and goodies that the season brings. But the truth is that I don’t eat salads as much as I should and I envy those people who make a salad every day for lunch. My good friend and cookbook author Bob Blumer does just that. And every day, it’s a little different. I have often told him that I think he needs to write a book based on his salad days.

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Meaty Mushrooms Turn A Salad Into A Meal

I was recently reminded of this mushroom salad that is so meaty that you can eat it with good bread and call it a meal.

It’s my take on a salad that I had in the south of France in the town of Les Baux de Provence. The one that I had at Restaurant L’Oustau de Baumaniere was made with sauteed local Cepe mushrooms and I fell in love with the simplicity of it. If you aren’t familiar with Cepes, they are the French Porcini mushroom

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Forget The Rest, This Is THE Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Anthony Underwood is my favorite kind of cook and one of my favorite friends.

He is also the best culinary producer that I have ever worked with, and “behind-the-scenes” famous. When I met him in New York City, he was the lifestyle producer at “Good Morning America.” He then went on to help create “The Chew” on ABC. Now he is a freelance culinary media consultant working on special projects in Los Angeles that include shows with Wolfgang Puck and major food and housewares companies.

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Looking For An Easy, Healthy And Delicious Snack? Make Tumbled Tomatoes

In all my years of cooking, my favorite special event was a dinner that I hosted at the James Beard House in NYC with ten of my favorite girl “grill friends.” We made an elaborate six-course meal with North Carolina shrimp, Alaskan salmon, prime beef, bacon-wrapped dayboat scallops and more—all great ingredients to showcase the grill-centric menu that celebrated my website,

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