Posts tagged Forbes Magazine
A Tribute To La Bandera Cocktail And A Recipe

The first time that I experienced La Bandera, I was sitting outside a distillery in the tequila region of Mexico. The “Bandera” cocktail is inspired by the flag of Mexico. If you know your world flags, you know that the Mexican bandera/flag is green, white and red. The cocktail mimics those colors and is served in three separate glasses.

One glass is filled with fresh-squeezed lime juice—green—one is filled with un-aged or blanco tequila—white—and the “red” glass is filled with Sangrita. (If you don’t know what Sangrita is, more on that later!)

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These Oreo Bourbon Balls Win The Derby Day Dessert Race

I started going down the Bourbon Ball rabbit hole many years ago.

Bourbon Balls are a big deal in Kentucky. And since this weekend is the Kentucky Derby, I felt it was a good time to bring out the Bourbon Balls.

When I travel to Kentucky, and visit distilleries, I buy Bourbon Balls from the gift shops. They are generally very sweet, bourbon-soaked confections with chopped pecans covered with dark chocolate. Some of them are decorated with a pecan half, and some are unadorned.

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Like Alison Roman, Her Desserts Are Just Sweet Enough

Alison Roman is a force.

Much has been written about Alison Roman. Whether you like her or don’t like her—most people like her—you have to agree that she has a point of view.

This point of view gives her cookbooks an authoritative and confident tone. That’s a good thing IMO because when you set out to make a new recipe, you want the author to instill confidence in you (and the recipe) as you make it for the first time.

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Don’t Toss Those Egg Whites, Make Light And Crisp Pecan Praline Puffs

These days eggs are so expensive that I want to use every bit of every dozen I buy. That means that if I am making a recipe that only calls for egg yolks, I want a recipe that is more interesting than scrambled egg whites to make with the leftover whites.

That's exactly what happened to me a few days ago. I made a big batch of homemade mayo and I had three leftover egg whites. I was about to wrap them up for the refrigerator and suddenly I remembered “forgotten cookies.”

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Southern Fire Crackers Will Be Your New Snacking Addiction

Remember those ranch-flavored oyster crackers? Well they’ve been reborn as Fire Crackers or Alabama Fire Crackers.

Sheri Castle wrote about them in a Southern Living article last fall that was entitled “The South’s Most Beloved Appetizer Starts with a Sleeve of Saltines,” and that “In some hometowns, baby and bridal showers feel incomplete without a tray of these crackers on the buffet.”

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The Best Ever ‘Shrimp And Grits’ Is Made In One Pot

My journey with “shrimp and grits” all started with the shrimp and grits that I ate growing up in North Carolina. It is well known in food circles that the legacy of Bill Neal, the chef founder of Crooks Corner (restaurant) in Chapel Hill, NC, was far and wide.

Chef Bill Smith took over for Neal in 1993 and kept Neal’s classic dish on the menu until 2019 when he retired. Young cooks who worked for Neal also took his version of shrimp and grits to their next restaurant jobs and many eventually opened their own restaurants where it was also served.

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Everyone Can Bake Fluffy Homemade Biscuits With This Easy Two Ingredient Recipe

When I am sick of cooking and sick of answering the question, what’s for dinner? I turn to breakfast for dinner.

It never fails to satisfy and it gives me an excuse to make fresh hot biscuits. There is nothing like splitting open a just-baked biscuit, slathering it with butter and watching as the steam melts the butter and it’s absorbed by the soft pillowy interior...except eating it—hits the spot, every time!

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