Elizabeth Karmel

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We Love Grilled Asparagus

Easter is March 27 and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Easter than with a platter of grilled asparagus.

It is the veggie poster-child for Spring! And, the combination of the convection heat of the grill and the natural sugars inherent in asparagus turns this vegetable into one of those foods that people can’t stop eating! This recipe is one of my favorites to make for friends and family and the only downside is that when everyone asks for the recipe—and they do!, I have to say that there is really no secret besides a good outdoor grill. This is a perfect case of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts—meaning that the flavor quotient is so much higher than you would think it would be with Asparagus + Olive Oil + Salt.

We Love Grilled Asparagus

Serving Size 4


  • 1 pound fresh asparagus (Look for fat firm stalks with firm deep green or purplish tips. Also check the bottom of the spears. If they are dried up, chances are they have been sitting around for too long.)
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt (use salt according to taste)


Trim off the tough bottom of the spear by grasping each end and bending it gently until it snaps at its natural point of tenderness—usually two-thirds of the way down the spear.

If the spear is less than 6 inches long, chances are it has already been trimmed for you. Alternatively, you can cut the ends off with a knife. Using a vegetable peeler, peel off the outer skin of the lower half of the remaining stalk.

Coat each spear with olive oil by placing clean, dry spears in a re-closable plastic bag, pour in the oil and massage spears to coat each one with oil. Sprinkle with salt and massage again. Leave the asparagus in the bag until ready to cook.

Place on the cooking grate crosswise so it won’t fall through the grates. Grill for 10-15 minutes, turning occasionally to expose all sides to the heat. Asparagus should begin to brown in spots (indicating that its natural sugars are caramelizing) but should not be allowed to char.

Remove from grill and serve immediately--eating spears with your fingers enhances the experience.